Knowing God's Will
Biblical Principles
of Guidance
  Foreword by 
Richard C. Halverson

The original edition
and text used for some
translations of this book

        InterVarsity Press  
  1979 ~ 142 pages ~ Paper ~ ISBN 0-87784-610-3
   To Order Table of Contents | Sample Chapter  
Foreword by Richard C. Halverson | To Revised/Expanded Edition

This original edition of Knowing God's Will quickly became an InterVarsity Press classic after it's release in summer 1979. It sold 3,500 copies at InterVarsity's Urbana conference that winter, and was carried in print by IVP until replaced by the expanded edition in 1991. It is also the version translated in most of the international versions of Knowing God's Will.

Throughout this book Blaine stresses the gracious sovereignty of God in our lives and his promise to guide us victoriously in every decision we face. Yet Blaine gives equal attention to our responsibility for discerning God's will and looks carefully at biblical principles for doing so. He emphasizes our need to think--to use the mind God has given us to find the alternatives that reflect God's best for our lives. He shows that we have two major reasons for encouragement about guidance--the fact that God can be trusted perfectly to guide us, and the fact that we have freedom to take important initiative with our lives.

Availability of the original edition of Knowing God's Will: Although this first edition of Knowing God's Will is out-of-print, we have a limited quantity in stock at Nehemiah Ministries and can make a copy available in special cases. If you have a reason for needing the original version of this book rather than the expanded edition, please e-mail us and explain why. We will e-mail you back with a response. Please note that in most cases, the expanded edition should meet your needs as well or better than the original. It contains nearly all of the material from the original, and there is no significant change in perspective on any major point. It also includes many additional personal examples, added chapters, study questions for each chapter, and a review of Garry Friesen's Decision Making and the Will of God.

If you are aware of any book outlet which still has a stock of this original edition of  Knowing God's Will, please e-mail us with that information, and we will make it available on this site!

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