Should I Get Married?
Newly Revised and Updated
October 2000

 About the original Edition: 
 "a resource everyone needs to read"

H. Norman Wright
Editors' Choice--Best New
Book of the Year for 1990
Campus Life Magazine

Over 50,000 copies in print
   InterVarsity Press
  October 2000 ~ 202 pages ~ Paper ~ $12.00 ~ ISBN 0-8308-2271-2 
   Table of Contents | Sample Chapter
Here's an indispensable book for any Christian contemplating marriage or seeking guidelines in finding a life partner. Drawing from his personal experience and his years of counseling singles and couples, Blaine Smith debunks many of our cherished myths about marriage.

This new edition maintains all the material from the first on judging compatibility and knowing God's will in a marriage decision. Blaine adds to it a major section on remarriage after divorce, additional counsel on overcoming the fear of commitment, advice on whether Christians should date as part of the courtship process, and "Vows for the Imperfect Marriage" -- pledges you can include in your ceremony promising to accept each other in spite of imperfections. 

He takes a refreshingly candid and openhearted approach, as he helps you think through these and other questions:

          Should I get married or stay single?
How do I choose the right kind of person for me?
          Am I ready to make a lifetime commitment?
          How can I deal with unreasonable fears?
          Am I compatible phyisically, emotionally and
                 spiritually with this person I'm thinking of marrying?
          Which of my ideals for a partner are reasonable,
                 and which are not?
          How do I find God's will in all of this?
Blaine also offers counsel on how to discern between healthy and unhealthy fears and inhibitions. He looks closely at how our responsibility and God's relate in the whole process of finding and choosing someone to marry.

About the first edition:
"Should I Get Married? is a resource everyone needs to read, whether they're dating or not. It's the best book I've found on this subject."
H. Norman Wright,
Director, Christian Marriage Enrichment
"Should I Get Married? confronts not just the title question, but most of the other questions everyone asks about marriage and singleness . . . a thoughtful, balanced approach."
Campus Life Magazine, September 1990
Editors' Choice--Best New Book of the Year
"This book should be required reading for every Christian who is single. The author explores issues pertaining to singness and marriage in an intelligent, objective, practical way. He offers sound biblical counsel and direction for those seeking God's will in this area."
Librarian's World, Vol. 21, No. 2
"If you are contemplating marriage, trying to discern your compatibility with another person, or struggling with the idea of making a lifelong commitment, this book is for you."
Christian Singles Connection, January-February 1992