Overcoming Shyness
Conquering Your
Social Fears
   Common sense advice for handling
   shyness in all areas of life.

   "I found countless reasons for hope

Overcoming Shyness."

   Stephen A. Hayner, President,
    Columbia Theological Seminary

   SilverCrest Books
  2011 ~ 221 pages ~ Paper ~ $11.99 ~ ISBN 978-0984032228
Table of Contents | Sample Chapter | Foreword by Stephen A. Hayner

Order from Amazon in paperback or Kindle,
or from Barnes and Noble in Nook.
"It was the most terrifying experience of my life. It took most of the year to get up my resolve. Finally I sat down by the phone, a friend at my side coaxing me on. I began to dial the number . . . but then my finger pressed the receiver button and the call was canceled.

"This went on for several evenings. Wednesday night had a sense of now or never. If I waited any longer, it would be too late in the week. Finally, I completed dialing the number. Her father answered, and I asked if she was home. Now I was fully committed. I wondered if I would faint."

Blaine Smith did get that date. Gradually he learned a lot about how to handle his shyness. Now he shares his insights and counsel with others show struggle with the pain of shyness and who see it holding them back socially, in the workplace-- and even spiritually.

Indispensable advice for:

                Sharpening your people skills
                Breaking the panic cycle
                Balancing faith and assertiveness
                Making shyness work for you
                Taking control (one half-step at a time)
                Tips for facing an audience
"As a shy person myself, I found countless reasons for hope in Overcoming Shyness. Blaine offers detailed, practical helps--always authentic, never gimmicky or artificial. All the shy people in the world owe Blaine Smith a tremendous debt of gratitude for writing this book."
From the foreword by Stephen A.Hayner
President, Columbia Theological Seminary, former president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
"I didn't buy this book. Somebody gave it to me. I'd rather not say who. I read it sitting at home on Friday nights and thought it was pretty good, considering I had nothing better to do. I don't go along with all he says about being more assertive, but what do I know? Maybe a person should be. Scripture says that the meek shall inherit the earth. Do we want to? I don't know. But we are going to, then this book would probably help us run things, assuming we accept the deal. We'll see."
Garrison Keillor
Humorist, creator, "A Prairie Home Companion"
Author, Lake Wobegon Days
"No matter the degree of shyness a reader experiences, the author presents effective advice, which can 'overcome the unhealthy effects of shyness without losing the benefits it provides, and without violating the personality God has given.'"
Bookstore Journal, February 1994
"A perceptive guide on how to handle shyness."
European Bookstore Journal, November 1994
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