One of a Kind
A Biblical View of

The world needs what
makes you unique.

A welcome corrective
Ralph T. Mattson

SilverCrest Books

 2012 ~ 134 pages ~ Paper $7.99 ~ Kindle $4.99 ~ ISBN 978-0-9840322-4-2
  Table of Contents | Sample Chapter

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In this book on Christian self-image, Blaine Smith stresses the importance of cherishing your personal distinctiveness – as a gift of God, and a vital indication of what he wants you to do with your life. And he looks carefully at what this means. He considers how self-esteem and humility should fit together for the Christian. And he gives you solid biblical reasons to view your personality, talents and gifts, physical features, and special circumstances positively and appreciatively. His accent is on encouragement and re-inventing the way you see yourself as a child of God.

This book will help you to:  

  • Appreciate your personality, talents and physical features as God’s handiwork

  • Be more alert to golden opportunities to invest your life

  • Understand how self-esteem and humility fit together in the Christian life

  • Break through “self-consistency” to achieve a genuinely more positive, healthy self-concept

  • Base your identity not just on one talent or characteristic, but on your unique combination of features

  • Break the habit of comparing yourself unfavorably to others      

Ralph T. Mattson, author of Finding a Job That You Can Love, comments:

More people are likely to be blunted in their growth by poor perceptions of their individual worth than by inflated egos. Innumerable Christians have embarked on their life's calling with profound misunderstanding of their uniqueness and self-worth, thereby missing many of the delights of full-orbed Christian living.

One of a Kind" is a welcome corrective. It encourages us to abandon self-depreciation for a realistic biblical view of ourselves without false positivism. In dealing with the subjects of humility, self-esteem, ideals, body image, and personality, Blaine Smith covers the most commonly expressed concerns people are likely to have about themselves.”  From a review in Eternity Magazine, January 1985

This is an excellent booster book for Christians with a bad self-image or defeating feelings of mediocrity and rejection. The coverage of acceptance of our bodies, talents and gifts is equally refreshing.”  Christian Bookseller, August 1984

One of a Kind, first published by InterVaristy Press in 1984, is reissued by SilverCrest Books!    

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