Photos of Smith Family and Friends

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Memorial Photo Tribute to Evie
On March 8, 2017, my wife of 43 years, Evie, died of respiratory failure from ALS, after suffering from the disease for probably close to three years. I put together a photo tribute to her which was displayed on screens during her memorial service and at the reception/dinner which followed. I have posted that display on YouTube. It features about 100 photos from throughout her life, including a few I've added since the service. I share more about Evie, her life, and her sojourn with ALS on the home page of this site.

Smith Family photos, 2015-2016

Jack's 1st day of 1st grade, Sept. 2016 Boarding the bus that day Mar's 1st day of preschool, Sept. 2016
Jack sporting some new facial hair
Jack sporting a wrestling trophy,
en route to the WWE
Mar about to enjoy a scrumptious
meal she's just prepared
Mar with a special friend
Mar and Jack taking a break at the
Fenwick Island Boardwalk
Mar dressed for success
Evie and her favorite girl
Caught her! (Whew!)
Blaine mesmerizing Mar with his
ukulele playing
My son Nate and his wife Melissa
At Perucci's restaurant in Millville,
Delaware, New Years Eve 2015
Another great pic of them
Melissa and her sister Monique
Coco, Melissa and Nate's African
Grey, posing pretty
Coco sunbathing
Shiloh, their other African Grey. How
many eyes does he have, anyway?
Shiloh getting some quality time with
his pals, Midnight and Miranda
Shiloh about to enjoy a delicious
Evie and me at 99 Sea Level restaurant, Bethany
Beach, Delaware, August 2016
At Fenwick Island State Park, Fenwick, Delaware,
July 2015
Evie enjoying her new ride at our
Delaware home, June 2016
Evie at our Maryland home,
May 2016
Hat Day at Shady Grove Presbyterian
Church, August 29, 2015
At Lombardi's Restaurant in Ocean City, Maryland, with
Delaware friends (l to r) Pat and Jim Lutrzykowski, Roy
and Terri Clark, and Brenda and Bill Usilton, June 2016
At Pohanka Toyota of Salisbury, Maryland,
September 24, 2016

Finally, I enjoyed a wonderful reunion with first cousins
in St. Michaels, Maryland, May 22-24, 2017. Pictured are
(l to r) Fran Davidson (Peter's wife), Diane Davidson
(cousin), Peter Davidson (cousin), Tom (cousin) and
Debby Davidson, Shirley and Dennis (cousin) Davidson,
me, and R.W. Davidson (Diane's son). Not pictured are
Hunter Davidson (cousin) and his son John, who also


Melissa and Nate's wedding

Here are some photos from their wedding, May 19, 2014, in Medford, Massachusetts, which I had the honor of officiating.

Nate, Melissa and me at the service With ring-bearer Jack (Ben's son -- see below)
Nate and Melissa Melissa and Evie Melissa with friend Tiffany
Melissa and Nate with her parents, Nigel and Annette
Melissa and Nate with Evie and me at Maryland
reception a week later
And on their honeymoon, at Disney World

Ben's family 2014

Jack and Marley getting along well

Jack with visiting moose at nearby
restaurant; Jack asked if the moose
was real
Evie's retirement party
In June 2014 Evie retired from 25 years of teaching music in Montgomery County, Maryland public schools.
The staff of Fox Chapel Elementary, where she had taught the past 18 years, threw her a surprise retirement
party on June 6, at La Mexicana in Germantown, and the next five pics are from that event.
Evie as happy as she can be
Evie and others dancing
Teachers Meghan Murray and Kristy
Fritchlanski singing a tribute to Evie
Kristy and Meghan present a quilt to Evie, which Meghan's
mom, Mary Eu Murray, made, with a square for each annual
music production for Creating Original Opera that Evie
helped produce at Fox Chapel Elementary School.
And, of course, the cake!


Some more pics . . .


Here I'm speaking at the wedding of dear friends Carol
Decker and Bob Kaminski, April 25, 2014. Rev. Dave
O'Connell, who officiated, is also shown.

With Sons of Thunder friends at Clint Eastwood's Mission
Ranch in Carmel, California, August 9, 2015: (l to r) Tom
Willett, Julie Willett, Becky Briggs, Debbie Halverson
Mac Briggs, Steve Halverson, Paula Halverson, Me, Evie
Same group at Hacienda Restaurant, Santa Lucia
Preserve, Carmel, California, August 7, 2015

Performing with Sons of Thunder friends for service
for homeless on Carmel, California beach, Sunday
Morning, August 9, 2015. (l to r): Tom Willett, me, Steve
Halverson, Debbie Halverson, Becky Briggs, and Evie
Some of the thirty or so who attended


Performing with Newports (local band I perform with) at
Veterans Plaza, Silver Spring, Maryland, Aug. 21, 2011

Performing in the rain with the Newports at same event.
Pictured: Blaine, Mike DeGraba, Cal Linthicum,
Mike Henley, Debbie Halverson, Becky Briggs, Arlene Jay


The rain didn't keep Evie from dancing!

Newports after the performance: Arlene Jaye, Mike Henley,
Mike DeGrabba, Blaine, Becky Briggs, Rob Dyer,
Debbie Halverson, Cal Linthicum

More on the Newports: For much more about the Newports, historically and presently, and many photos, 
see the bands website. The Newports were tributed with an article in the Montgomery County Gazette in July 2012.