August 1, 2002 | |
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Your Life--The Subtle Challenge When We Try Too Hard to Live Free of Others' Expectations |
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This article is adapted from Blaine's The
Yes Anxiety: Taming the Fear of Commitment in Relationships, Career,
Spiritual Life and Daily Decisions. |
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far back as Andrew can remember, his parents wanted him to become a
doctor. Throughout junior high and high school his dad, a respected
surgeon in the community, tutored him in science subjects and did
everything possible to spark his interest in medicine. When it came to
acceptance in a premed program, his father’s influence was decisive.
Andrew was admitted in spite of borderline grades. College was Andrew’s first experience of living independently, and
the freer university environment inspired him to consider other career
options. After several sessions with a vocational counselor, he
concluded he was best fit for a business profession. He came close to
switching majors. Yet as he pondered the effect this change would have
on his parents, he decided to stick with medicine. The fear of
disappointing his folks was simply too great, and in the end their
expectations carried the day. Andrew’s parents also urged his younger sister to pursue a medical
career. Yet Janet possessed a strong independent streak, and fought
the idea tooth and nail. In college she opted for a business major and
today manages a retail department store. Ironically, Janet realized by
her second year of college that she would prefer a career in nursing.
Yet the knowledge that this option fell within the realm of her
parents’ wishes for her life was too great a deterrent. For Janet the
crucial matter was to be her own person, and this meant avoiding any
semblance of living out her parents’ expectations. Who made the more independent decision, Andrew or Janet? We’re inclined to say that Janet did. She was the one who broke the
bindings of her parents’ expectations. Yet did she really? When we
look closely at her reasoning, it becomes less certain that she acted
freely. Like Andrew, she failed to follow the vocation she wanted. And
like Andrew, it was her reaction to her folks’ expectations that held
her back. The difference was that Andrew felt compelled to follow
these expectations, while Janet felt compelled to rebel against them.
In reality both acted from compulsion and not from freedom. Andrew and Janet illustrate the challenge involved in trying to
live independently of others’ expectations. The goal of being our own
person is a good one. Owning our life is vital to psychological
health. It’s a vital need for the Christian, for if we always feel
obliged to please others’ expectations, we’ll not be able to respond
fully to the Lord’s will for our life. Owning our life is a
prerequisite to yielding it freely to Christ. Yet the goal of owning our life is also an illusive one. And unless
we accept that it can never be perfectly realized, we’re bound to
frustration and a self-defeating mentality. Many who fear commitment are fiercely concerned about owning their
lives. Commitment fear is at heart the dread of losing control. For
many commitment-fearful people this means fearing yielding control of
their destiny to anyone. They can be unsettled just knowing that
others think they are playing a role in their life. They may
feel compelled to avoid taking any step that anyone else might claim
credit for influencing. Yet their need for control greatly limits
their options, and may even lead them to sabotage their most cherished
goals and dreams. Whether or not we fear commitment at a serious level, the urge to
own our lives runs deep within each of us and is one of our most basic
instincts. It can work either for us or against us. The challenge is
to keep this drive within healthy bounds. Defeating Our Own Purpose Janet demonstrates the greatest irony of the desire to own our own
life—the fact that when this urge becomes too strong, it always
backfires on us. The obsession to avoid even the appearance of living
out others’ expectations narrows our options considerably, and may
keep us from doing what we most want to do. The problem can become pervasive. For some, even the vague sense
that others might have opinions about what they should do is enough to
keep them from doing it. Many who would like the benefits of attending
church choose not to become involved, because they know others think
they should be there. They stay away out of the urge to be their own
person. Yet they are acting no more independently than those who
attend faithfully out of social pressure. This same mentality leads others to abandon good relationships and
marriage opportunities. They are uncomfortable thinking someone else
could claim credit for their happiness or well-being. They bail out of
a relationship at the point when it becomes most promising, fearing
they’ve become too reliant on the other person for emotional support.
They choose lonely independence over happy dependence. Others strive fervently to act independently in all their
decisions. If we’re at all socially active, though, it’s unlikely we
can ever take any major step that at least some people are not hoping
we will take. If the concern with being our own person is too strong,
we become immobilized. There just doesn’t seem to be any course of
action that is genuinely independent. Facing Our Suggestibility We shouldn’t underestimate, either, the role of our own
suggestibility. We tend to think only certain people will succumb to
the power of suggestion—the highly compliant person who can be
hypnotized in five seconds, for instance. Numerous studies have shown,
however, that each of us is far more suggestible than we normally
suspect. Our outlook and mood are constantly affected by a multitude
of influences around us. As I’m working at home today, the weather is overcast, and my
energy is lagging. Undoubtedly this loss of zest is due more to the
dreary environment than to any physical factor. But I can’t deny that
it may result even more from the fact that I’ve always heard
that we don’t function as well in bleak weather. Which of us has not made a significant purchase in recent months
that we later realized was prompted more by media hype than by good
judgment? And even with our most far-reaching decisions, when we look
carefully at what influenced us, it’s often startling to find the role
that others’ opinions played. Sometimes a brief word of advice pushed
us forward. A comment made in passing—“You’d make a great
preacher”; “You’ve got a nose for business”; “You should marry that
woman”—stuck with us and determined our choice. If we’re honest about it, we have to admit that it’s very difficult
ever to demonstrate that any decision we make is truly independent. We
simply cannot erase our suggestibility. In spite of our best efforts
to think independently, we remain surprisingly capable of being swayed
by others’ expectations. Striking a Balance Being our own person, then, is a more subtle challenge than most of
us realize. It can require some significant shifts in our outlook and
approach to life. Here are six suggestions for beating the challenge. 1. Accept the reality of living in a world of expectations.
If I’m to realize my potential for Christ, I must accept a priori that
there will be times when doing what is best will mean doing what other
people think I should do. They may even be rooting for me to do it.
They may even imagine that I’m doing it to carry out their
expectations. I’ll need to remind myself otherwise, of course. But if
I’m too ruffled by the problem of appearances here, I’ll never get off
dead center. Independent action will be impossible. The desire to
rebel will make me a slave. Accepting the inevitability of sometimes living out others’
expectations is a vital first step in learning to own our own life. 2. Keep the desire to own your life within reasonable bounds.
Aristotle observed that a virtue carried to an extreme becomes a vice.
Satan seems to attack us at our strong points as much as at our weak
ones. He’ll take a noble desire, for instance, and move us to focus on
it to the point of obsession. The concern to own our lives is a healthy desire. Yet when it
becomes excessive it’s self-defeating. A moderate concern to be
free from the control of others’ expectations always serves us better
than an extreme one. You shouldn’t want to let go of the desire to own your life any
more than you would the will to live. Yet if you are obsessed with a
need for control, you should strive to temper this drive. Remind
yourself of the problems that occur when it becomes extreme. Ask God
to give you a balanced concern for owning your life. Christ is on your
side as you seek to keep this desire within reasonable bounds, and
will give you success as you draw on his strength. 3. Strengthen your desire to realize your potential and to
become what Christ wants you to be. An important step toward
keeping the desire to own our life within proper limits is to focus
our attention more on other personal drives. Not only do we each have
a basic desire to be our own person; we have a drive for personal
accomplishment as well. Concentrate on your desire to realize your
potential, and do whatever you can to nurture that desire. Dwell on
the benefits that come from fulfilling God’s plan for you—in work,
personal ministry and relationships. As your desire for God’s will
grows stronger, you’ll find it much easier to live with the reality of
others’ expectations and to know what your response to them should be. Paul is an interesting case in point. At first glance his attitude
toward others’ expectations seems confusing. He spoke fervently of the
need to obey God over people, for instance. “If I were still trying to
please men, I would not be a servant of Christ” (Gal 1:10). Yet he
spoke just as earnestly about the importance of serving others through
accommodating their expectations. “I have become all things to all men
so that by all possible means I might save some” (1 Cor 9:22). We observe both extremes in his personal life as well. He went
strongly against the counsel of others in pursuing certain personal
goals. He proceeded to Jerusalem in spite of the pleas of numerous
Christians who begged him not to court disaster. Once friends even
gave Paul a prophecy of guidance, telling him bluntly that God didn’t
want him going to Jerusalem (Acts 21:4). Paul went anyway. At other times Paul was surprisingly compliant. When he journeyed
to Macedonia, he went in response to a vision of a man asking for his
help (Acts 16:9). Paul and his companions undoubtedly expected to find
a man active in ministry in Macedonia waiting for their assistance.
Instead, they found a devout group of Jewish women who had gathered
for prayer (Acts 16:13-15). One of them, Lydia, responded to Paul’s
message and accepted Christ. She then invited Paul’s party to stay at
her home, where they remained for the duration of their visit to
Macedonia. Luke notes that Lydia “persuaded” Paul and his friends to
lodge with her (v. 15). Paul was apparently unwilling to do so at
first, perhaps wanting to search further for the man in his vision.
Yet he allowed Lydia to change his mind. Here he showed flexibility
and willingness to let God use someone else to influence his thinking. Paul’s varied response to others’ desires for him makes sense only
when we understand his frame of reference. His primary concern was not
to own his life but to do the will of Christ. He knew that following
Christ would sometimes require going along with others’ expectations
and sometimes going against them. This isn’t to say that Paul didn’t
cherish independence and control. He clearly did want to own his life.
His desire was strong enough to protect him from caving in to
unreasonable demands others placed on him. Yet it was not so extreme
that he couldn’t listen thoughtfully to counsel—and he didn’t recoil
from yielding to others’ expectations when it seemed advisable to do
so. Paul’s flexibility in dealing with others’ expectations is
particularly impressive when we consider how headstrong and inflexible
he was before coming to Christ. He demonstrates the balanced attitude
that results when we become intent on following Christ and realizing
the potential he’s given us. 4. Rebel by conforming. Another important point is
that even when Paul did grant the expectations of others, he did so as
a free choice. He was able to be all things to all people
without capitulating. “Though I am free and belong to no man, I make
myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible” (1 Cor 9:19).
Because his identity was secure in Christ, he could yield to others’
wishes yet still be his own person. His self-worth did not depend upon
having to rebel. From another angle, Paul did continue to rebel after
becoming a Christian. His dogged personality remained intact. Yet he
channeled his rebelliousness in redemptive directions. He rebelled
against his own tendency to rebel. He rebelled against others’
expectation that he would rebel. Many times he rebelled by conforming. It helps if we who are obsessed with owning our own lives can recognize that others expect us to rebel. They expect us to break our commitments. They expect us to go against the expectations of others, even if it means defying our own best interests. They expect us to do the unexpected. If we must rebel, we should learn to rebel against these expectations. God doesn’t expect us to violate our personality when we become a
Christian, but to harness its energy constructively. We should rebel
against any personal tendency that inclines us to sabotage our own
dreams. We can follow the counsel of others, even fulfill their
expectations, without sacrificing our integrity. Owning our life is an
internal matter much more than an external one. 5. Manage your suggestibility. While we cannot negate our suggestibility, we can do plenty to manage it. In his classic The Person Reborn, Paul Tournier stresses that God does not bypass our suggestibility in directing our lives but works through it to guide us.* Our aim shouldn’t be to avoid being suggestible, which is an
impossible goal. We should strive, rather, to put ourselves in
situations where the most healthy “suggestions” occur. Being around
optimistic people who believe the best for us can make a great
difference. So can exposing ourselves to healthy Christian teaching
and worship experiences. We are profoundly affected by role models as
well. I should choose to spend my time with people whose attitude and
lifestyle I admire. 6. Pray for wisdom. Most important, we need private
time, quiet time alone with Jesus Christ. Appreciating our
suggestibility helps us understand the need for personal time with
Christ, where we give him an unhindered opportunity to influence our
thinking. The benefit of such time in helping us know how to respond
to others’ expectations is unmistakable. When I’ve committed the day
to Christ and sought his direction, I can go forward confident that
he’ll guide my decisions in his will. He’ll give me sound perspective
in the midst of the maze of expectations I’ll confront. Jesus himself found prayer indispensable in dealing with others’
expectations. On one occasion he arose early in the morning and spent
time praying. Immediately afterward, he went against the advice of
everyone and left an eager crowd in Capernaum in order to minister in
other towns (Mk 1:35-39). Following his intensive time of prayer in
Gethsemane, however, he cooperated with the designs of the officials
to capture him (Mt 26:36-56). While his decision was equally free in
each case, his response to others’ expectations was radically
different. Again, we’re reminded that God sometimes calls us to act
against the expectations of others, sometimes to fulfill them. Through
seeking God’s direction in prayer, we can resolve this ambiguity. Perhaps God in his design of human life has made
the matter of dealing with others’ expectations ambiguous enough that
we would feel compelled to trust more completely in Christ to guide
our life. It is through a relationship with him that we gain the
strength and wisdom to fully become the individuals he has created us
to be. |
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This article is excerpted from chapter six of Blaine Smith's The Yes Anxiety: Taming the Fear of Commitment in Relationships, Career, Spiritual Life and Daily Decisions (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1995).
Nehemiah Notes is available monthly by e-mail. |
Copyright 2002 M. Blaine Smith. See our copyright page for permission to reprint. |
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