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I once learned an unforgettable lesson from an invoice I received in the mail. It was from the insurance company that provides health and pension coverage for our ministry. I had petitioned them several months earlier, asking that they cut our quarterly payment of $1,500 in half. According to their literature, this reduction was possible under certain conditions, which I felt we met. Reducing the payment this much would be a considerable help financially to our ministry, which was still in its early stage. I wasn’t at all certain the company would grant my request, though, for their brochure was ambiguous. I carefully crafted a letter explaining why I thought we qualified, then followed it up with about a half-dozen phone calls. I also requested that they make the change retroactive and reimburse us for past overpayments. In the end I felt I was getting nowhere, fighting an enormous bureaucracy with no concern for the little guy. Finally their invoice arrived. Frankly, I expected the worst, and as I read their statement I found my negative expectations rewarded. It was a bill for $1,500--simply business as usual. My efforts had been to no avail. It wasn’t till several days later that I reread the statement and realized I had overlooked one small detail. Following “$1,500” were two letters--”CR”--the abbreviation for “CREDIT.” They were not billing us $1,500 but refunding us that amount! The invoice, in short, revealed that I had succeeded in petitioning the company. But in my skeptical spirit I had read it to say just the opposite. The Perils of Pessimism Our expectations so dramatically affect our view of reality. When we expect a positive outcome, we’re alert to indications of success that come our way. But when we expect failure, we can miss the signs of success altogether or even read them mistakenly as proofs of defeat. As my experience with the invoice shows, missing some small detail can make all the difference in how we interpret a situation. It’s to this end that the Scriptures warn us so frequently of the tragic dangers of hardness of heart. “Hardness of heart” is the biblical term for loss of optimism, particularly regarding our expectations of God. Faith, as Scripture understands it, is the diametrical opposite of hardness of heart. While the one expects the worst of God, the other expects the best of him. Faith is an exceedingly hopeful, trusting and confident perspective. From the viewpoint of faith we see our lives not only realistically but optimistically as well. The small details that signify God’s care and provision for us are much less likely to escape our notice. Had my expectations been more faith-inspired when I first examined that invoice, I doubt I would have been so quick to misinterpret it. It’s a classic example of what happens when our faith is insufficient. The Rewards of Faith Some of the Bible’s most valuable insight into the nature of faith is shown in examples of those who demonstrated it. I find it especially helpful to look at situations where Jesus directly complimented someone’s faith. Such instances are much less common in the Gospels than we tend to imagine, though. While Jesus spoke often about faith, he commended the faith of individuals on only eight occasions:
The Five Characteristics of Faith These are the sum total of incidents in the Gospels where Jesus explicitly compliments someone’s faith. Perhaps most surprising is that in none of them did the person’s faith have anything to do with doctrinal knowledge. Most of these people had only an elementary grasp of who Jesus was, and none had anything close to a highly developed Christian theology. The faith which impressed Jesus in every case, rather, was an attitude of heart. Most obviously it amounted to an uncanny optimism about receiving help from him. When we look more closely at the attitude of faith that these people displayed, we find it involved at least five outlooks: 1. The belief that God was a friend who desired the very best for them. It is more instinctive to think of God as our adversary than our friend, especially during times of personal disappointment or loss. Faith is an attitude which holds fast to the conviction that God is an unequivocal friend who wills good, not evil, for us. 2. The belief that they would benefit by seeking help from Christ and submitting to him. We often hear it said that Christians should serve Christ without any hope for reward. The Scriptures, however, know nothing of such rigid legalism. Rather, they speak extensively of the benefits that derive from a relationship with Christ and urge us to earnestly seek and desire these advantages (Heb 11:6). Faith desires the greatest benefits God offers and believes these will result from faithfully following Christ. It is “the will to live” in the highest sense. Perhaps better stated, it is the will to live abundantly. 3. The determination to do whatever was necessary to get help from Jesus. The faith these people demonstrated was strongly active, not merely passive--as many Christians assume faith should normally be. In at least six of these cases individuals had to overcome significant obstacles, social pressure or stigma to approach Jesus. Their examples show that faith often involves taking significant personal initiative. 4. Considerable confidence that Jesus would meet their specific need. They were also highly optimistic about accomplishing their purpose. Their confidence did stop short of cocksureness; I doubt most of them were blatantly certain of success. Yet they were all strongly confident that Jesus was able to solve their particular problem and exceedingly hopeful he would do so. Their attitude is perhaps best described as substantial optimism that their needs would be met. 5. Humility and thankfulness. The Samaritan leper, blind Bartimaeus and the prostitute who entered the Pharisee’s home all demonstrated profound gratitude to God. Several of the individuals also displayed striking humility when encountering Jesus (the centurion, the woman with the hemorrhage, the Canaanite woman and the prostitute). We can guess that each person in these passages exhibited humble recognition of needing God’s help and significant potential for gratitude, and that these qualities were a vital part of the faith that impressed Jesus. These five outlooks go a long way toward describing the attitude of faith as Scripture understands it. They are good benchmarks for measuring how well our own attitude compares with genuine faith. This is not to imply that developing our knowledge of doctrine is unimportant or unrelated to experiencing faith. Christians who are growing in faith will be motivated to grow in their grasp of “the faith” as well. Still, the attitude of faith is something much more basic and may be experienced by even a new Christian or one with minimal doctrinal insight. It is best described as an optimistic expectation about receiving help from God. The Challenge of Faith You and I will do well to adopt these viewpoints and hold fast to them, as we face challenges in the present and as we plan for our future. Great benefit comes from spending some uncluttered time each day in personal reflection, where we carefully consider where our own faith is inadequate and remind ourselves of the basis we have for staying hopeful. Let me encourage you to invest such time. And during the course of the day, when you find yourself slipping into a pessimistic frame of mind, make a practice of stopping yourself and noting where you are falling short of an optimistic outlook. Remind yourself of the benefits that come from an attitude of faith: you see both your present situation and your future possibilities more clearly. And ask God to renew this attitude within you. I urge you to make every effort to see your life through the eyes of faith.
It’s to your credit. |
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Back to top of this article. This article is adapted from chapter 2 of Blaine's The Optimism Factor: Outrageous Faith Against the Odds (Downers Grove Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1994). Nehemiah Notes is available twice-monthly by e-mail. Do you have comments about Nehemiah Notes,
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